Covid-19 Statement and Protocols

I respect that people have varying needs and thoughts about covid and infectious disease, in general. I am not currently masking, but am happy to do so for a client if you prefer it. If you would like me to be wearing one when I arrive at your door, please let me know in advance.

As covid hospitalizations are currently rising (as of August ’23), I will be watching trends and updating my practices according to professional recommendations.

These are my current protocols:

Please cancel or reschedule your appointment if you or anyone in your household is symptomatic or has had a positive covid-19 test in the past 10 days, unless you have had an appropriately-timed negative covid test. I will not charge for cancelling at any time before I enter the premises.

I will cancel an appointment if I have known contact with any person who tests positive for covid-19, until 10 days after the contact and/or any symptoms have resolved, and/or I have a negative covid test.

These are standard procedures in massage therapy, which ethical therapists have always practiced:

I wash my hands before and after every treatment. Massage table, face cradle, and product containers are cleaned after every treatment.

If for some reason I need to touch my face during a treatment (a rare occurrence), I use hand sanitizer or wash my hands before continuing the treatment.

Linens are washed in hot water and dried on high heat, then stored in individual bags to minimize handling.

Used linens are stored separately from clean linens and any other items I travel with.

I cancel appointments if I have symptoms of infectious illness, including cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat, sneezing, loss of sense of smell or taste, etc.