Layers of old and new

As I type, I’m sitting at the old desk my Dad used for planning Physics lessons. Later he was disabled by a stroke, and took up building model cars at this desk. In the process, he deposited countless layers of every color of paint and glue on the desk top. When I took it from the house after Mom and Dad were gone, I decided not to clean it up, and instead got a big piece of glass to lay on top of all that beautiful mess. I think of him when I write.

Today the desk is in a new place. We downsized and loaded everything into a truck and moved it all to Austin, Texas. The desk is bulky and probably not ideal furniture for student housing, but it was one piece I refused to give up. What will I be doing at this desk? I have no idea. So far it’s mostly been for emails to bureaucrats.

What of Holistic Flint Hills? I don’t know. I like this blog, and I don’t want to drop it. But I’m in a place now with different wildflowers and birds, looking for a job, eating tacos three times a week. There are hills here too, but with lots of stout old trees. Things are changing, but I don’t yet know what or in what ways.

Everyone else in my family is starting a new school, but I will have to structure my own new adventure for myself. Most likely, it will be composed of diverse elements, built on top of layers of color deposited long ago, the foundation for whatever unknown experiences are awaiting me. Stick around if you want to read about it.

Published by Rachel Creager Ireland

Author, Flight of Unknown Birds: Poems about the Wildness and the Weirdness Within, and Post Rock Limestone Caryatids; mom, wife, massage therapist, human. In perpetual state of decluttering.

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