I Talk With My Hands

Typically, massage therapists show you a picture of their face, or the space where they work. I don’t touch you with my face, and the space where I work is wherever you are. So here are my hands.

What do my hands say? Most often, something like

It’s okay. You can let go now.
You can let go of fear.
You can let go of being in control.
You can let go of pain.
It is safe to be in your body here, now.

You can rest now.

If your body tells my hands that it is ready for more, we might have a conversation about exploring what it feels like to lengthen some soft tissues, or to move a joint a little further than it has for a while, or to really enjoy a deep, sustaining, breath.

By the time we’re done, I aim for you to feel a refreshing sense of freedom, lightness, and being centered in your body, while connected deeply with the earth.

If you think this is a conversation you would like to be part of, follow this link to schedule an appointment.

Published by Rachel Creager Ireland

Author, Flight of Unknown Birds: Poems about the Wildness and the Weirdness Within, and Post Rock Limestone Caryatids; mom, wife, massage therapist, human. In perpetual state of decluttering.

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