Pre-Holiday Massage

It’s a little-known fact that the best time to have a holiday massage is before the date, rather than after. (Though both times are excellent!) Like it or not, holidays can be stressful, and going into a stressful event relaxed, balanced, and calm can make an enormous difference in how we experience the event, whether holiday stress for you comes from making time for baking and shopping, or spending time with family members who are loud and opinionated about their extreme political views. Being mentally calm can make everything easier.

If you’re already dreaming about having a restorative massage in your home, why wait? You can book online now.

I’ve been opening my calendar to take appointments on additional days. This will become permanent after the new year, but for now it’s week-by-week, so check back regularly to find a time that works for you. Also note, prices will go up in January.

I look forward to seeing you. May your holidays be joyful and your spirit be at peace.

Published by Rachel Creager Ireland

Author, Flight of Unknown Birds: Poems about the Wildness and the Weirdness Within, and Post Rock Limestone Caryatids; mom, wife, massage therapist, human. In perpetual state of decluttering.

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