On Being a Jigsaw Puzzle

I spent much of the last year studying Zero Balancing, a new (to me) bodywork modality that works with bones, rather than soft tissues as massage therapy does. I finished my coursework in November, took the online exam last month, and this week I finally took and passed my practical exam. That is, I gave the treatment to the teacher, and he scored me on various skills/practices, and affirmed that my work is of a quality worthy of the name of Zero Balancing.

After his session, he said, “I feel like I’m one again!” I knew exactly what he meant. I had said the same thing, possibly verbatim, to a friend/classmate last week when she gave me the same treatment. I hadn’t noticed it prior, but I was feeling sort of like lots of pieces kind of stuck together. After the session, I was one.

Another way I sometimes describe this feeling is that I feel like a jigsaw puzzle put together wrong. Maybe some pieces of similar shape have been forced into the wrong places in the puzzle. The pieces kind of fit where they are, but awkwardly, with tension. Maybe putting the puzzle back together right is a special benefit of Zero Balancing. It may not be as dramatic as miraculously making pain go away (which sometimes does happen in ZB), or slathering luxurious fragrant oils on your skin. Zero Balancing reaches deeper than the skin, deeper than muscle and fascia, to touch the bones, and open the space to allow them to move into their own places. It’s such beautiful work, I would love to share it with you.

And now that I’ve passed the final test, I am fully qualified to do it! So if you’re interested, please book a session. In a 1-hour massage appointment, we can do a ZB. In a 90-minute session, we can combine massage and ZB.

As always, I bring everything we need to your home. I look forward to working with you.

Published by Rachel Creager Ireland

Author, Flight of Unknown Birds: Poems about the Wildness and the Weirdness Within, and Post Rock Limestone Caryatids; mom, wife, massage therapist, human. In perpetual state of decluttering.

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