Post-holiday Joy

Well, why not? Why should joy be only for holidays? Why not make this year one where we expect and celebrate joy every day?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

I don’t mean to deny other emotions. Every feeling is valid and part of being human. Nonetheless, we can claim joy, we can cultivate our capacity for joy, and at times we can be in a state of joy even through all the other not-so-nice feelings.

I was recently reminded of a daily practice I used for a while, but had forgotten. It’s very simple: before you get out of bed in the morning, take a moment to find joy inside. Sometimes it takes a bit of effort, but it gets easier with practice. You can use sensory cues, or memories, or, if you like to manifest, imagine your dream has already come true, and bask in the feeling that accompanies that image.

That’s all you need to do. Feel the joy, then get up and carry that feeling with you as long as you can as you go through your day.

Here’s a YouTube I made about this practice, and happiness in general.

I’m going to make this a daily practice again this year. Will you join me?

Another practice for cultivating your joy is to have regular massage and/or bodywork. You can book an appointment here.

Published by Rachel Creager Ireland

Author, Flight of Unknown Birds: Poems about the Wildness and the Weirdness Within, and Post Rock Limestone Caryatids; mom, wife, massage therapist, human. In perpetual state of decluttering.

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